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green claims

Anti-Greenwash Charter Logo  Light.png


Vӧr is committed to bringing industry into alignment with carbon offset strategies by way of authentic and meaningful sequestration projects. 

By signing up to the Anti-Greenwash Charter, Vӧr aims to further demonstrate its commitment to it values, particularly integrity and excellence.  

At Vӧr we are always transparent about what we’re doing and why. Our signature to this charter underscores our pledge to do so and to encourage the same in our clients. 

This policy applies to all the forms of marketing, messaging, and advertising we use.


In addition to this policy, all marketing and communications at all times will comply with the relevant laws and regulations. 


The Charter Standards


We commit to the standards of communication set out in The Anti-Greenwash Charter, which are as follows:





We commit to clear communication of what sustainability

benefit our product or service offers and don’t conceal or omit information.



We substantiate our sustainability claims with accurate, and

regularly evaluated empirical evidence. We commit to sharing facts, figures and statements that can be checked for both regulatory and organisational reporting.



We commit to using fair, clear, and unambiguous language when providing comparisons with other products or organisations.



We ensure we make specific statements about our organisation’s sustainability efforts and that our actions match those promises.



Our Practices  


We implement the following practices and procedures to ensure we uphold the standards:


  • We closely track developments to internal and external drives for anti-greenwashing and effective carbon offset communication – its part of our business, committing to the sustainability agenda is in our DNA.


  • Our work is conducted remotely, with meetings and workshops held virtually where possible to minimise travel and the requirement for a dedicated office location. 


  • Our marketing materials, contracts, deliverables and artefacts are produced digitally reducing the requirement for stationary, printing, copying, shredding and waste.


  • Any waste generated is separated at source and recycled or composted where possible to reduce waste to landfill.  





Terms such as “green”, “sustainable” and “zero harm” can mean very different things to different people, companies, countries, and cultures. 

We define all the key “green” terms we use to describe our services below to ensure our claims are clear and transparent.


Environmental Stewardship: The responsible use and protection of the natural environment (flora and fauna) through active participation in conservation activities and choosing environmentally sustainable practices. 


Carbon Neutral: No net release of greenhouse gas (expressed as carbon dioxide equivalent, CO2e) into the atmosphere, especially as a result of emissions offsetting. 


Carbon Positive: Net positive emissions of greenhouse gas as a result of activity. Greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere and not offset. 


Carbon Negative: Net negative emissions of greenhouse gas as a result of activity. Offsets exceed greenhouse gas emissions. 


Carbon Accounting: A framework of methods to measure and track how much greenhouse gas an activity or organisation emits over a given period. Universal Air uses the Greenhouse Gas Protocol for carbon accounting and runs its accounts per calendar year, aiming to publish its accounts by April of the following year, 


Sustainability: The avoidance of depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance. 


Sustainable Practice: An activity which can be carried out indefinitely whilst maintaining a certain rate or level. 


Green: Taken to mean an activity is less harmful to the environment. 


If you come across a term you don’t understand and can’t find it on this list, please fill in a form on our website for clarification and we will respond as soon as we can. 



Editorial Processes


Before any Vӧr content is published and distributed, it is checked and reviewed for compliance with the Charter’s principles. When witing content, we refer to our list of clearly defined terms and update the list when using a new term. We encourage our employees to challenge and question our claims – not only does this ensure our claims our valid, but it also reinforces our culture of integrity and trust. 



Evidence & Testing


Transparency allows our clients to see how we arrive at conclusions about our environmental credentials. 

We calculate our GHG emissions using the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and we publish a summary of our carbon accounts and the justification of included and excluded scopes open source and encourage our supply chain to do the same. 

We have an incredibly small Scope 1 & 2 footprint but apply initiatives to reduce our Scope 1, 2 & 3 GHG emissions regardless.


Where we cannot eliminate emissions – we pledge our own carbon offset strategy with Victoria Ecosystems which shows our commitment to decarbonisation projects, biodiversity regeneration and food security.




All new employees are required to read and assimilate our Green Claims Policy to understand the benefits and issues with non-compliance. 



User Engagement


The fight against greenwashing requires integrity and strength from everyone to call out greenwashing and to seek clarification. 

We commit to answering any queries about our green claims within 10 working days

If you have any questions or feedback on this policy or on our green claims, please fill in a form on our Contact page. 



Regular Reviews


Being a signatory of the Anti-Greenwash Charter is an ongoing commitment. Monitoring is key to ensuring compliance with any policy. Vӧr regularly conducts internal policy audits to check for new developments in industry that we can benchmark against. 



Governance of this Policy

Our CEO is responsible for ensuring our compliance with the Green Claims Policy is reviewed quarterly. Any non-compliance with this policy will be immediately reviewed for further action and escalation. 

Before entering new partnerships with third parties such as suppliers, we share our Green Claims Policy with them. By entering into a contract with us, third parties agree to adhere to these guidelines.

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